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Lenovo USFF Project News for May

May 24, 2024 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Greetings TCP farers. Did you know? Neither did I! That is a multitude of things LoL

I have not been on my keyboard for programming so much lately but instead playing games. I ordered a Lenovo ThinkCentre from Ebay that was stuck in that damn ebay global shipping program, which I honestly can't stand. After waiting a full month I got my refund back yet still the (expensive) thing came! I truly did feel blessed in a time amidst multiple hardships. This enabled me to move right ahead and get the project done as it were simple from there. What I needed was a PCIE 8x (proprietary) Lenovo riser that provides a PCIE 16x port on a 90 degree angle. In case you aren't aware this computer is very small. It's like 7x7x1.5 inches and can be mounted behind a monitor. Maybe you've seen such a device, about the size of a thin client. Anyways, then to get a GPU for that slot. The computer's CPU is actually not bad at all and has quite appreciable graphics without a dedicated GPU but my friend on XMPP found one that meets my hardware constraints and actually boasts real performance. Hardware constraints such as not using too many watts for the PSU cable, which I've upgraded to 230w from 135w demand stock, size for the sake of fitting in the case (this is a large portion of the appeal for this project) as well as not needing external SATA or PCIE power.

So I bought this literally TINY half height AMD Radeon RX 6400 that doesn't require external power and is about 157mm in length and fits into the already tiny computer I have on that riser I mentioned. I have been able to play Need For Speed Unbound and even made a few screen recordings and posted on my YouTube Channel. It's not quite as good as my previous gaming MSI laptop but it definitely is appreciable for what it's worth. Being tiny and, although loud, not producing really serious amounts of heat.

I have had about ③ weeks of fun with this, and a lot of fun as I was missing NFS Unbound's Volume 6, however unfortunately I had to learn something and had made a costly mistake. The mistake was not knowing, or thinking when I installed it and seen the GPU's pcb board resting on the metal housing of the USB jack on the rear, that some metal contacts on the GPU's board might short by bridging across the metal housing of the USB port. I honestly didn't think much about it at the time and when I was playing on it for the first while the performance was literally really good but (and only after noticed) eventually slowly degraded to a point where it seemed I couldn't tweak settings to achieve what I had before. After a while it had did something weird my computer reset on me, but wouldn't actually boot then. It did a few more times in shorter intervals and at last after doing it twice in shorter time caused my computer not to boot.

That caused me much sadness, so much sadness that I wouldn't even mess with it for ③ days. I had to get in a good mood to bother cracking it open and popping the GPU + riser card out and alas! It booted! I had noticed that while not booting no fans would operate and the lit up ends of my HDMI cable wouldn't light up BUT the power light on the machine did. This is how I thought it may be a power fault.

What I eventually seen while inspecting the GPU's board was an odd light discoloration looking vaguelly like a burn that was sort of through the board and seemed to travel from the HDMI slot on the GPU towards a capacitor on the other side of it. It was at that time that I declared officially my (not so cheap but fortunately not that overly expensive either) GPU dead. Sad, I see it on one of my shelves, so new and only 3 weeks of life, it's dead 😔

Now my only remaining concern was if somehow I burned out a component on the riser. If I did, and I'm honestly not sure exactly if I'd be able to determine, then I would need to pay another approximately 350CAD to redo this all. I am not rich, not even close, I am dirt poor just about I won't lie so this deepens my sadness but I am still extremely grateful this little beast fired up again, the computer I mean. At first I really worried that it had died but fortunately it wouldn't have been that humongous of a loss, if so, because I did acquire it free. Thanks capitalism! You finally did me a solid but I still hate you! 🖕 LoL ... I actually like ebay, for the most part, and definitely with the exception of the ebay global shipping program.

If my home life wasn't so damn terrible, er, lack of a decent home, whatever, I'd consider redoing this right soon and getting another GPU but it will be postponed for the sake of leaving this entire civil district and getting away from a doomed mission to live in a place that I cannot be free or comfortable. Always losses in life and that will cost too (A LOT). So perhaps I will also postpone pictures and a more detailed post until I am able to make it work under the best conditions. Here's hoping that happens, and soon!

Here is a sweeeet forum post with a MASSIVE amount of details related to computers like this, you might probably find this interesting .. and some more related .. 🎲

Tags: tinyminimicro, lenovo, thinkcentre, project, computing, the8woodcutter, amdradeon, nfsunbound, thestonewall, hardware, gaming, life

Cold February

February 17, 2024 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Sure has been chilly. Worse yet out on my ass because of surly prideful people, I was just tired. Gaining strength though and walking tall.

I recently acquired a slightly older Lenovo ThinkPad. I'm enjoying that quite a lot. More to come about that I'm sure. Sad that I put the sim card adapter in the tray back in the slot, just destroyed any chance of using sim card now. I figured I was going to have to buy a mother board.

I found one, it wasn't cheap, but it wasn't weak or really expensive. I'm waiting for an injury and highly considering going to work once I can lift with my legs again. No work in tecnology for me, unless ... I thought about a printing shop; we'll see when we get where, there,

I'm once again holding off on the python exercising and gatherin knowledge and thoughtfulness about various security and abstract concepts. I really don't know but I have a bad week almost there a bit ago and recovering this time is going okay. I'll write again, ciao=

Tags: iwashere, wherewasi, canugivemedirectionspls, niceand sunny, the8woodcutter, re.sub, cleansed

New for this young year

January 26, 2024 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Greetings Internet People. I thought I would write a post here now about new stuff that's happened-ning.

So that music site project I was talking about in the last post, it's much nice now! You can check it out here: MusicPlace.Vip. I kept the same theme of top level domain (the ".vip") as my other favorite domain name "TooFast.vip" (which is my main XMPP server host). I originally thought of just using a subdomain, as "musicplace.toofast.vip", but was very attracted to the appearance of "MusicPlace.vip" and it was only about 7 dollars Canadian. So over the winter holidays, xmas season, I been occasionally working on this flask application, in part to learn flask web application framework using python language, but also because I had a motivation and that was to be able to share music links on XMPP chats that are not rewritten filenames to some bullcrap non-human readable hash string, and are from a creative origin. The idea was that if I'm playing my music in my VLC or Poweramp app while out and about and I find a cool track in my same collection, as on phone as on server, that instead of uploading the file as it is and it get renamed to aerjnoiub98eronbo.flac, I want that filename to show what the file is! Sometimes people don't want to download crap that has no readable name, as well sometimes people want to keep their file they downloaded, so if I shared it it was for them to listen to sure, but the option to keep it is now successful because going through their files they'll find a file that's named a way they can know wtf it is. Makes sense right? But XMPP and some of the developers for client software and such have a different political idea of how HTTP upload file shares should work. Not many people believe that uploads are away of sharing files, they're supposed to be inline images, or something really web 3.0 bullshit. I find that XMPP is losing it's original web chat spirit because of these "phone fags" as some people would call them, that only think in their development and software progression like a phone user. Sad, really, cuz I am oldschool about web stuff, and I found a lot of value in the way things used to be but see it actively unable to exist anymore. I guess such is life.

So "MusicPlace.vip" the file, or the "/musiclist", is locked by a super secret password, and at this time it is really only myself that gets to use that as I recently changed the passwd and probably will somewhat often. I wanted also to be able to share my music files, which a lot of them are in fact paid for and HQ audio, but I didn't like it as an open public webserver directory as I'm not sure but I don't think that's legal, I really don't know becacuse I cannot digest terms + services legal jargon, who reads that stuff anyways? NOBODY! So but I may have heard it's not legal or something, I don't really believe that because as I said that the purpose is to share them the only available way to XMPP chat. I did due diligence, and whatever.

I am really stoked about the CSS (styles) though, it seems I've created a theme with it too because I've created a subdomain (another simpler flask project inside the musicplace project) that is my place to post a public prayer. I follow the Christian faith. I thought of this as a cool way to praise the Lord. It also uses a similar almost same CSS theme, you can view that at prayers.musicplace.vip. It is not finished yet.

Another thing, I suppose I wouldn't be proud of, is a bullshit saga going on that I'm making the most of with humour and no fucks given, is a saga where I was originally banished back to an XMPP group chat I thoroughly hate and in such banishment, which not a nice thing to do, I suppose I've seized the opportunity to shit all over that chat and do and say whatever the hell I want cuz fuck you. That's because they all did an offence to me and already hate me and think bads things about me so I am indeed being a plague and don't care, you cannot nor will not be able to make me care. LoL.. Stubborn, I know, but in my eyes it's worth the hilarity it causes sometimes and I should learn to care less about what internet people have to say, not in the way that it creates more problems for folks, just that I have been known to get offended. People don't care to unnofffend me once offending me and I cry a lot because of this, and so, I am now perpetually full retard until enough of my JIDs are banned I feel successful.

So yea, that's the happening today for recently. I am enjoying flask, because I enjoy pythons, and the creative juices are a flowing! If you want the password for the music app, only authorized people are allowed to ask me on XMPP as my JID is, you will have to figure that out. I'm not giving it out publicly anymore. So on this day it is good to be alive and thank God for all things provided, he is much our true captain and leader and rememberig Him is loving Him who loves us. pEAcE

Tags: the8woodcutter, news, python, flask, musicplace, webdev, xmpp, saga, lulz

I wonder now what now happening, how come, what for?

January 07, 2024 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Heya internet. Whappens moew?

I wear my sunglasses at winter...

So this past 2 days has been gruelling, back breaking, barely withstandable labour to do a handful of things. I am basically going to try to make a web community under the pirate flag of THE ARMADA, do not repeat that without using all capitals, out of respect for the fallen comrades, thanks, but in making this community again it requires a code place. I mean a place to put the code, that we work on. Fun part about gitea is it has communities for things like this. When I first tried to make this community I also tried the google shit, that supposed business email, groups, etc shit, and I say shit because just like amazon I can't imagine how such a terrible corporation is s filthy rich.. Anyways. So I thought this time I would make a mail server on my Network Throughput I/O domain Packets.cc .. Anyways, and I found a thing, I haven't seen it yet, but in debian repositories mailman3-web (i think it was). I guess it uses a thing called HyperKitty and Django for a web app that handles mail? I'm willing to give it a try!

As well, I'm not sure why I'm struggling to understand and deal with figuring out how the F to host a uWSGI, or any WSGI, server for proxying my https from my FLASK PROJECT!! 😄😄😄😄 Yes, I am VERY much happy that I am learning a new, and in my opinion possibly better than Laravel, web application framework. I'm pretty sure very very few people know one thing about me, and that is that I really enjoy web applications and creating them gives me a helluva a good feeling when confronted with all the ideas I get for building web apps. This is truly what I was destined to do I think but anyways, so, I'm really stoked about Flask, and Pythons!

It is questionable whether the page is or will be operational, but MUSICPLACE.Vip and JUST TODAY! I managed to figure out how uWSGI works, at least enough that it's rendering the CSS files. It's a work in progress though, and I'm not giving out the password until it's stable. Afterwards I might ask a couple of folks if they want to poke it, meaning with a pen, just to know I build my flask app sturdy.

I shall return for more EPIC POST! GIT ER DRUNK, BAMBOOZLE HER, THEN PARTY AT MY POST! LoL I just made that up, stupid, I know.

PLUS: As for XMPP, which I fail to properly rage quit, and I am permanently a slave to, I discovered that one of my new years resolutions for 2024 will be that if I'm going to always be a strange and weird XMPP server operator, I might as well be better at it. Blimey trolls! OH AND ONE MORE THING: I shall be doing CSS/layout type modifications to the8woodcutter.sh, to make it actually worth visiting. There's a slight chance that this intention gets lost in the abyss of my many missions but let's propose it happens, and you might love the changes when they come, bon voyage! 😵

Tags: news, the8woodcutter, chunk, xmpp, flask, python, learning, uwsgi, webapps, webdevelopment, coding, sysops, devops, linux, css, html

Some more the8woodcutter art!

November 05, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Hello there! I was working on trying to put an archlinux with blackarch repos, basically a red team or pentesting OS on encrypted USB, as is the smart way of things, and it failed on me every which way. I had wasted 2 days, of course I was lazy and doing a multitude of stuff online, and I swear the blackarch ISO / installer is cursed ...

Of course that wasn't the only way I attempted (wasting my time lol) to try to make a bootable USB encrypted with blackarch pacakges. In case you didn't know, you can install archlinux to another block device using just a running archlinux by installing pacman -S arch-install-scripts, and later you can use blackarch repository. For stuff like this is why ArchLinux is desirable and very very handy. However what ended up being the result was this pleasant error after my USB completely effen died:


LoL .. This was very unpleasant because some already very very unpleasant stuff happened before I had to shut the OS down, then this to create a firmament that I shall NOT have USB stick OS for plugging network ports with mischief... ... God had a message for me apparently LOL! Also, if that's not pleasant as daisies, I had downloaded the full Kali (22GB worth) and the main installer ISOs and neither of them would work because of another very pleasant error I have when secure boot is forced but impossible or something? As my laptop firmware is semi-soft-bricked I'm pretty sure LOL.. Such is this life of keyboard I found it comical so I decided to sing a song and make some art:


Lastly I thought I would present the internet with a tiny morsel of news: I have gotten back on my feet thanks to an old friend. It was fkn COLD and I was without a place to go. For now I am back on the MISSIONZ
HACK THE PLANET! ... lol jks 😸

Tags: the8woodcutter, graphic-art, artwork, weblog, archlinux, error

Null News

October 15, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Feel free to sign up for an XMPP account somewhere (I do not host XMPP for other users) and then try out my customized Movim instance:

Diary of a Chunk Ep. 1

Yea I don't have much else to say at this time unfortunately..

Tags: news, null, chunk, the8woodcutter

Another GIF I made

September 28, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Guess what!

Did I offend you? 😬

Tags: the8woodcutter, animations, art, graphic-art, gif

Block Party

September 13, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷








Tags: the8woodcutter, chunk, block-party, stereos, graphic-art, art, images

Stash a website idea here

July 28, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Howdy all! If there's somebody reading this I am curious if you ever remember a web application that actually I think was around the exact same time as facebook or was even earlier than facebook's 'kickoff', it was called tagged.com (the TLD i am not for sure, but name yes). It was a neat and unique app that people could make themselves profiles with pics, little bit of meta stats, and then you can be bought and sold and accumulate value in the app the more people kept buying you for more. This was I guess a way to fame if you were like, hot girl nice pics, you might probably get bought then taken from that owner by another higher bidder and the subject, lol I know this might sound bad even, will become more valuable. I can't recall how one made money, I think it might've been by playing stupid games or something? Not doing surveys I don't think, but yea. They also were one of the earlier, in my memory of the internet, apps to have a 'hot or not' selector, that would randomly go through maybe even similar (metadata, big data, I don't think bigdata or machine learning was a thing yet when this was) profiles and you could be like yep, or nope. I really enjoyed the interpersonal interactions of that app and it's no longer around I'm pretty sure. Last I remember it was overrun by bots kind of, and it might've died.

Well what if somebody (ME, Do NoT TAKE MY IDEA!) remade this website and added for example, the overlay interface for conversejs so you could chat in actually legitimate chats while you interact with people and their profiles? I imagine one might want to create a custom xmpp server for this! So I am writing this post to jot it down like notes for myself for soon (tm).

Well and now I sorta feel stupid, and happy, at the same time! Tagged.Com does exist still :D:D I have to check this out, but still going to consider a clone of it, heavily modified. Why? Because web apps! Come back again to my happy blog, while I working on it ever so gently (the CSS) it's becoming a nice place, I hope you enjoy reading it 🐱

Tags: ideas, webapps, webdev, the8woodcutter, social-media, internet2.0, coolstuff

A couple of GIFs I made

July 27, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Here's a couple of 8bit like GIFs I made of myself:



Tags: the8woodcutter, animations, art, graphic-art

Not bad bass using the room acoustics

July 10, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Yea those two pairs, utilized my entire apartment to get as good of bass as they did, they were running my Kenwood stereo power amp from 1989 at a much preferable power/load ratio.

Tags: stereo, the8woodcutter, chunk, jwplayer

Nuance are actually killer speakers

July 10, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Tags: stereo, the8woodcutter, jwplayer

Today's labor of love

July 06, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

So yesterday evening I was getting, once again, upset with my busted nvidia drivers and my libvirt not working. I needed the nvidia drivers because I wanted to test out if my Win11 disk (my slow SSD, bahaha) can run games if my entire one (1) screen is ran by nvidia. However I couldn't fix OpenSUSE-Prime (systemctl status prime-select) and it was dumping cores and stack traces and shiez. Then for no good reason virt-manager refused to load qemu/kvm:// and refused to connect. I like to speak a bunch like I know things, and when I do, I do know those things, but sometimes I can't be full of pride and think I'm very good if any good worth a shit at some stuff and I have / had no effen clue how to debug libvirt errors. Lest I even bothered, I had failed to work on nvidia prior to that.

As it may have been known, at least to some aliens, I have been running OpenSUSE (Open Source Community Based Enterprise Linux (RPM Type distribution of Linux)) and it's been a love hate relationship, mostly of love. I love SELinux and the fact that it's extra contexts sandbox core hardware, kernel and system level accesses and with OpenSUSE TUMBLEWEED (Not supported in Leap) SELinux enforcing targeted policy is an option in the installation. It can also (and I don't know how awesome or even a point this would be) apparmor at the same time. Being an enterprise linux it's got a lot of security, that's basically it. Centos 7 was my first enterprise linuxes and back when it actually came with compliance security schematics for like, government security and you could enable a security policy meant for a hospital or something... I imagine. OpenSUSE has taken me a while to get used to because of the linking of standard things like sudo cp /root/Xorg.conf.neww /etc/X11/xorg.conf or the grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and typical MANUAL stuff that I'm used to with 📦ArchLinux📦 so it's pissed me off a few times, like when I had to discover that (and don't quote me on this, but it's how it appeared at the time) in order to change your desktop manager or your xsession (desktop environment) you needed to use a "helper" script lol helper, update-alternatives --config default.xsession and it brings up an interactive thing you can choose which DE/DM you want, if you have a few. However this, 'dynamic linking'? IS THIS WHAT THIS IS?!?!?! Is NO WHERE'S NEAR AS BAD AS ON Vultr.com or Ovh.com hosted host hosts. I've tried with all my might to overwrite and chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf yet that stupid cloud-init shit overwrites and links back and forth everything so bad it's maddening.

Suffice to say, I switched to Vultr.com for hosting for now. Not a big difference from linode. Considerably more expensive for less though and their cheapest "bare metal" server is 120USD / month (there was 2 available at the time). I got a $250 credit with vultr.com and I had fallen into some hardship IRL with money and a place to live and stuff costing me all my money, all. I couldn't afford liniode for the time being. Now however, I want to tell you that I am sad about this and I highly maximum rate Linode.com as I've been with them for I dunno how many years. ANYWAYS. SO I reinstalled my OpenSUSE over the night, took me a few hours to backup my shit, then I ended up wanting to try and install a bootloaderless (efi, secureboot, tpm) iteration on a bum partition, that failed, so I started again. THIS TIME, despite how much I HATE using anything other than NetworkManager I remembered to use Wicked network crap and have to relearn it. Suppose no big deal, as long as I don't come to a dead end for a week. The reason for that is because network bridge autoconfiguration for Xen hypervisor and Qemu hypervisor you need wicked or else you'd need to find a proper guide and follow it. Unless you're fkn leet and you run doez sockets anyhow.

I always use xfce4. If I use anything but xfce4 it's RARELY KDE/Plasma5 or it's usually i3wm. Sometimes I use lxqt (on archlinux) and already have i3wm install beforehand and it meshes better as the window manager for lxqt on 📦ArchLinux📦 than others I've tried, and got annoyed.
Lemme show you what I'm most happy with today, that I was spending my other half of my time doing:

So recently for something to do I made a weather.php script, a hitcounter.php script and I had another one I was going to do too, for The8Woodcutter.sh but I didn't like the color composition of the basically, erm, crap. Yea I had crap underneath the THE8WOODCUTTER banner and I ripped dat outta ther and were left with this space. I thought to myself two things: this is the way it was originally, big deal. As well, why not put a WIDGET or some WIDGETSsSSSs there? STUFF THAT I MADE MYSELF? STUFF THAT IS COMPLEX? I mean, no joke ass "plug it in" WP plugins that are a nightmare to tweak their obtuse OOP entangled shit so you get what you want but MAKE WHAT i WANT. I have a few ideas for portable widgets, that would be for #1: portable, #2: generally placeable on any webpage not running fucking erlang or some kookey shit like golang (sorry to those that really dig it) PHP or Python, like Flask, Django, Laravel, basic PHP, hell just an PHP enabled server that will simply just run php, but you gotta convert the files to, jokes, hopefully that doesn't ruin my post :| .... PHP FILES. NOT HARD NEWBS.


My score for this software at time of posting is ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✫ [9.65/10]
(judged lesser because it has ONLY JUST BEGUN!)

Tags: conversejs, xmpp, the8woodcutter, blog, phpstuff, widgets, opensuse, enterprise-linux, linux, opensource

The8Woodcutter Gives Debian 12 (BookWorm) A Test Drive!

June 26, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Hello! So my laptop battery died midway I was typing a message :| That was unhappy but what IS happy! Is DEBIAN 12 BookWorm!!!

I won't lie, I had a bit of beef with Debian 11 and how old and crusty it was getting so this new stuff is amaze. The most aggravating thing about Debian 11 was that apt-key became deprecated and the buggers never bothered to make a work around, a script, nothing, and the actual work around for adding a key and repository was a nightmare for the longest time until eventually all the online tutorials that I frequent for quick handy copying of commands have been updated to reflect the gpg-dearmor | > < cat | sudo tee crap. Now I am not against cli stuff by any means but I found it rather crap to have to try and remember this huge piped command. As well if you set your global umask to 0027 or harsher, yea, there's more you have to do too and it kept stumping me accidentally.

I am really hoping that BookWorm has finally fixed this, and I haven't encountered it yet. One last complaint (or two) is that since I often use LAMP servers and even often use Laravel composer version 1.x.x was a massive pain, then furthermore everything (I'll admit it, quickly) moved along to PHP 8 + whereas Debian 11 was STILL using composer 1.x.x and php7.4. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for Debian 12 because I truly think Debian is likely the very best Linux distribution that exists. Bubuntu no dice.

So I started a Debian 12 VM, mind you a waaaaaay overpowered one with 10 CPU cores and 7GB of RAM lul, my computer be burly, but I have so far seriously enjoyed it. I am using intel gpu drivers atm because OpenSUSE update and I forgot to add a switch so it trashed my nvidia dkms, or whatever, but it's shiny, XFCE4 is JUST as it's expected. BUT BUT BUT THE BEST PART:


Tags: Debian12, the8woodcutter, software-testing, linux, gnu, FOSS, NewStuff

Some sad about the state of this

June 01, 2023 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

I mean the state of this bashblog... I have no idea what causes all these individual errors where on the all_posts.html page the time stamps for each link are the latest time stamp. These are just erratic and even absurd errors that I will most definitely not bother debugging. It makes me a lil sad because this is a kool website, I think, and there's these incosistencies, like also how in the main blog all the posts are out of order by date when they should indeed be ordered by date...

What I am slowly (and I mean slow as I go, which is very slow) working on a python remake of this bashblog script that is a site generator for this site here. Check it out: The8Woodcutter @ GitHub - PyBlog. I can guarantee that such of these little bugs won't occur with my remake, well maybe not "guarantee" but offer a solid assurance at least. I think now that I've put this blog back up and I see such a drawback I might get working on it. If not asap, soon, because IRL I have duties to pursue.

Tags: hostnamectl, home, the8woodcutter, bashblog, pyblog, github, pythons

A cool update to The8Woodcutter.sh - Unicode Character Map

September 16, 2022 — t̷h̷e̷8̷w̷o̷o̷d̷c̷u̷t̷t̷e̷r̷

Hello there web fellow web nerds :) I came across a view not long ago on how most people tend to be about the web. Many many of the folks I encounter off the web are only knowledgeable of internet since "internet 2.0". I really hate, hate, to say this but as far as I know facebook and the birth of more complex server side acting web applications is what sparked web 2.0. Facebook was the hit that everybody came to the web for, aha, and now Mark Zuckerburg is in the top 5 richest ʍѻғѻ§ on the planet. However much and many scumbaggery he commits to being that way is immeasurable I am sure LoL.. There was an internet before those times a little more than a decade ago. It had a widespread couple of phenomenons. First off a WebMaster was somebody that pioneered a webpage or site, at all. There were a great many independant websites on cheap or free hosting with cool things when PHP just came out. There was tickers for how many visitors came to the page, there was strobe animations like the colorful scroll bar animation that faded gradients, the blinking text, the marquees. Stuff that you simply will not if ever see online anymore is creativity in code like that. All this stuff is locked in time behind, ... facebook and proliferated web apps and services. I was in school still and I've modified the status bar contents (that bar when you hover over a link it shows you the destination url, bottom of browser) marquee with custom text. I got a manual book for HTML4 when HTML4 was new :) My friend stole it from his high school.

All these people I'm referring to, that are the vast majority of people my age, had no idea what internet was like when it was honestly really cool and creative. As well it was independant and free as a bird. This is a distinction I learned recently that web 2.0 marks a great evolution of people on the web and some ppl don't have what I aim to do. I aim to make web art. Unicode art and text graffiti as well as CSS styles as I know it :D

So this brings me to what I came here to inform the web about and that is that I have reiterated ͲооҒаst.Ѵїр (the top level XMPP host I host), Ͼнат.ͲооҒаst.Ѵїр (the chat room vhost on XMPP host) which is the eXtensible messaging and presence protocol chat server I've been off and on hosting for the last 3+ years. I welcome you, if it interests you, to join this chatroom: xmpp:unicode-art@chat.toofast.vip?join (this link will open your XMPP client application if you have one configured to do so). I am in an underground like federated chat world, similar to internet relay chat (IRC), where people of like minds chat together and often about cool stuff like this post. So to support this chat, and people that apparently haven't got a idea what unicode art is, I've made a new page on the8woodcutter.sh/charmap. I didn't make this code (as it is seen here today). I must owe credit to Mathew Kurian at https://mathew-kurian.github.io/CharacterMap/ and on github at https://github.com/mathew-kurian/CharacterMap and lastly the_guest in #offtopic@ircnow.org for sending this link originally. I plan to modify it for cool effect that serves the intention I have to make web art as I often have really wicked CSS ideas but not a plate to make it on. Hopefully it helps people get familiar with a character map to check out the cool characters that can be combined that look like english characters but are definitely not ^^

That's the scoop!

Tags: hostnamectl, the8woodcutter, update, unicode-art

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