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Trying to learn how to mess with monospace fonts - CSS
I managed to finally fix the font for the very top of this page, where it sez "thewoodcutter". I have been been experimenting with fixed-width fonts and such and I came across some VERY interesting CSS properties for fonts:
>https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-variant-numeric< :as well as this to compliment it: >https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-feature-settings<
If you go to those pages there's a little active widget that will show you what happens differently per different settings. Some of these text transformations are important for me to learn and figure out for some of my oddball design ideas. I'm hoping that the text on this blog here is appealing to most. If it is click this post header and leave a disqus comment about it. I'm going to keep experimenting with CSS as I find it super fun, since way back in high school years ago!
Tags: CSS, web development, fonts, design, art, stuff